Mana Osborne – IMC Campaign

For my senior project I created a brand launch proposal for an online clothing brand with an Integrated Marketing Communications campaign. I spent my 50 hours on planning and creating marketing content by analyzing the situation and creating a strategic plan to guide the direction of the online clothing brand, “ARINA.”

I’ve had experience working on a variety of advertising and public relation campaigns for real life clients and for this project, I decided to be my own client. I created my own brand, “ARINA” an online clothing brand that Is expected to launch through the guidance of this IMC campaign.

As a communications major with an emphasis in advertising and module in public relations, I’ve really enjoyed creating campaigns for clients to improve their advertising and pr image to better accomplish their company goals. For this project, I wanted to completely start from scratch with my very own brand/company. I’ve always had a large interest in fashion design and with my minor in apparel construction I thought it would be a great opportunity to merge both of these interests and skills. I was able to develop an online clothing brand, ARINA which is inspired to achieve confidence and versatility with the company values and products.

I was able to create a complete IMC campaign that focused on establishing the company goals and image. The material incorporated in the campaign is an in depth situation analysis, SWOT analysis, goals and objectives, marketing and advertising objectives, positioning, target audience, research, creative brief, big idea, media plan, social media and web design, branding, product development, budgeting and more.

It was a great experience to be able to create a brand from the very beginning and see it come to life with strong integrated marketing and communications content. I was able to dive deeper into each factor that influences the development of a brand and find creative solutions to make it unique and in synergy with one another.

Please watch the video to learn more and click through book to see all the collateral content I’ve developed for this project.


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