Noel Arellano-Hummingbird Holistic Health PR Plan

Project Summary

Hummingbird Holistic Health is a local business in the Rexburg area which provides a wide variety of options to help individuals reach optimal health. Ruth Nielson, the owner of Hummingbird Holistic Health, is a registered yoga teacher, reiki therapist, and author. She recently released a children’s book called “I Am Remarkable, A Journey of Self Discovery”. Ruth needs help advertising her book and creating a brand face for her business.

The Hummingbird Holistic PR Campaign goals focus on increasing brand awareness by marketing Ruth Nielson’s Book, “I Am Remarkable, A Journey of Self Discovery” and improving Hummingbird Holistic Health’s social media engagement on Instagram and Facebook. The PR objectives are to increase social media by 20% before April 1 and increase book sales by 30% before May 1; these objectives help measure the overall outcomes of the plan.

Throughout the duration of the semester my time and efforts focused on executing the strategies and tactics of the PR campaign. A reporter from the Standard Journal interviewed Ruth Nielson and published an article about her newly released book in February. Her hope is to get more media coverage. One of the strategies is to gain publicity in local news outlets. I will write media advisories for local news outlets about upcoming events. Another strategy is to increase engagement on social media. I created a social media calendar for Hummingbird Holistic Health’s Instagram and Facebook accounts, and I am analyzing the data from each post with an excel graph. I will be created two sample email templates for Ruth to implement in the future; the strategy is to gain awareness through email marketing. The last strategy is to gain awareness through local events. My Senior Project is a PR campaign that helps Ruth improve her brand and  increase awareness by implementing the strategies and tactics.

Total Time Spent: 56 hours

It took me 56 hours to complete my Senior Project. During the semester I spent my time: creating a PR Campaign, researching different topics to improve the campaign, creating social media content and a calendar, creating a brand kit, building an email template, writing and sending out media advisories, and creating stickers, posters and flyers. I meet with my mentor and client on a weekly basis.

PR Campaign20
Social Media 15
Brand Kit3
Media Advisories3
Total Time:56 hours

Hummingbird Holistic Health PR Campaign

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