Jennifer Chandler – The Good Steward Magazine


My Project

For my senior project, I created a magazine called The Good Steward. The Good Steward is a magazine about environmental issues, informing readers about climate change and encouraging readers to become better stewards and caretakers over the planet. I embedded my magazine below instead of my video first – after all our senior project is much more important than our booth. I’ve worked all semester towards my senior project, not my booth, and I would like to showcase that first.

To match my booth with my project, I decided to do a “Zero Waste Booth.” I included items that are sustainable for the planet, and are low in plastic waste. I included some sourdough starter since sourdough bread is made using only flour and water – no plastic and minimal ingredients! Covering the jar was beeswax wrap, a replacement for saran wrap. They’re reusable instead of single use. I like to shop at WinCo Foods for their bulk section, I bring my own bags to save on plastic and store my food storage in glass and reusable containers. The Quaker Oats container you see is actually about a year old, I’ve kept it and reuse it. I wanted to use very few items for my booth since printing massive posters, or purchasing new items for a few minutes directly contradicts what my project is about.

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